Friday 16 September 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 47: Fellow Kin

Characters: Nute Gunray, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Captain Rex, Commander Wolffe, Corporal Comet, R2-D2, 501st Clones, 501st Bomb Squad Clones, Cold Assault Troopers, Battle Droids, Snow Droids, Shaak Ti.

Narration: "Strike one! The Republic have successfully destroyed the first outpost on Rhen Var! Now, they must turn their attention to the second outpost, and wipe it out next!"

Republic forces rest their weary bones after the battle so far on the snowy planet of Rhen Var. They hear a loud whooshing sound, and look up to see several Republic gunship's heading their way. "Our reinforcements have arrived" says Plo Koon, as the gunship's land on the snowy surface. The hangar doors open, and Jedi Master Shaak Ti leads a battalion of Clones out of the gunship's. Ahsoka is shocked upon seeing Shaak Ti, believing herself to be the only Togrutan Jedi in the thick of the war. The Republic Jedi and Clones gather around, and Kit Fisto gives the instructions for the teams in the battle. Shaak Ti and Ahsoka will enter the base through the left side, Anakin and Rex will attack the back wall, while Fisto, Plo Koon, Commander Wolffe and Corporal Comet lead a frontal assault.

The Republic forces start their attack on the second outpost. Cold Assault Troopers zoom in on Barc speeders to hit the outpost hard, while AT-TE Walkers blast away at Droids coming out of the outpost. Snow Droids counter-attack on Staps, but these prove ineffective with Plo Koon and Kit Fisto leaping up and slicing the Snow Droids off the Staps, before finishing them on the ground. Wolffe and Comet lead the ground Cold Assault Troopers to fight Battle Droids and Snow Droids pouring out of the outpost. Shaak Ti says to Ahsoka, "It's time to move!" and they, along with several Cold Assault Troopers, start to climb the wall. Once over, they eliminate the two Battle Droids standing as sentries nearby, before moving on. Anakin tells Rex, "Bring her up!". Rex makes a signal, and one Cold Assault Trooper uses a rocket launcher to blow a hole in the back wall. As Snow Droids come from the hole, a Clone Trooper uses a Z-6 rotary cannon to knock them down. Anakin then leads Rex and the Clones through the hole.

Nute Gunray says angrily to his Battle Droid Commander, "Hold them off! Or you will regret it!" before leaving on a speeder bike and heading back to the command outpost.

As Ahsoka and Shaak Ti continue through the outpost, Shaak Ti asks Ahsoka, "Are you Master Skywalker's Padawan then? The one they say reminds him a lot of himself?" and Ahsoka replies "How many other Padawans do you know that Anakin has?". Shaak Ti says "Mhmm", before stating, "How did you come to be a Jedi?" and Ahsoka replies "Master Plo Koon found me on my homeworld of Shili".  Shaak Ti tells Ahsoka, "I had a similar upbringing to the Jedi world. However, no Jedi found me and brought me there. I was indentified to have force powers by doctors". Ahsoka says, "That's quite a way to be brought up to the Jedi" and Shaak Ti replies "Indeed". Ahsoka and Shaak Ti know they both feel closeness to each other, seen as they are both Togrutan.

Anakin and Rex take down a squad of Battle Droids that attack them, before along with the Cold Assault Troopers, meet up with Ahsoka and Shaak Ti in the centre of the outpost. Shaak Ti says, "Let's finish this, Master Skywalker". The Bomb Squad Clones come in and place bombs inside the second outpost. Once they are outside, Anakin this time is the one who detonates the outpost. Anakin turns his back on the explosion, knowing there is still much to do...

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