Saturday 22 October 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 79: Death Watch Assault

Characters: Duchess Satine, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Captain Rex, Clone Trooper Rowdy, Sergeant Kano, ARF Sergeant Boomer, Pre Vizsla, Death Watch, 501st Clones, Commander Cody, 212th Clones, Mace Windu, Commander Neyo, Super Battle Droids, TX-34, Ahsoka Tano, Mandalorian Police Officers, Mandalorian Royal Guards.

Narration: "Decision! Having not heard from Count Dooku in almost a whole year, Pre Vizsla has a decision to make! Attack Mandalore with the Death Watch and Droid forces he currently has, or wait for Dooku to turn his attention back to him!"

The warriors of Death Watch assemble outside their base on Concardia. Pre Vizsla stands in front of the troopers, and says "Today, is the day we attack and take Mandalore!" to loud cheers from the Death Watch soldiers. The Death Watch soldiers start piling into shuttle's and gunship's, which fly off towards Mandalore. The shuttle's and gunship's loom above Mandalore's capital city. Pre Vizsla yells "Attack!" and the gunship's start to bound the city's buildings with blaster bolts. Satine Ktyze storms out of her palace, flanked by a couple of Mandalorian Police Officers. One of them pleads with Satine saying "Please, Duchess. We must repel the invaders!" but Satine retorts "We are a non-violent planet, we will NOT fight these invaders". The Police Officers then says "It is Death Watch, Duchess. They are here to kill you." The last two words decide it for Satine, and she says "Get me Obi-Wan Kenobi." Both Mandalorian Police Officers leave, as Satine watches the battling above her. A hologram of Obi-Wan is brought before Satine, and Obi-Wan asks "You asked for me?" and Satine replies "Yes. Death Watch has launched an assault on us, we need you to repel them!" Obi-Wan says "I and a batch of Republic forces shall arrive with you shortly. This is a very serious matter. Don't do anything crazy!" before his hologram disappears.

Death Watch troopers land on the ground. Mandalorian Police Officers engage them, but Death Watch are better trained, and use their better gear to their advantage. Pre Vizsla joins the fray, and swipes at random fighters with his darksaber, not caring whether he strikes ally or foe. Several Police Officers fall to his blade. One tries to shoot Vizsla with a stun gun, but Vizsla blocks it with a shield, before trapping and killing this one by smashing him against the wall, and stabbing down with the darksaber. Elsewhere, TZ-34 orders Super Battle Droids on the attack from his Separatist command post. As the Super Battle Droids start to fight the Mandalorian Royal Guards, Republic cruisers and ships reach the planet. ARC-170 starfighters engage the Mandalorian gunship's above the surface of the planet, led by Commander Cody and Ahsoka Tano. Republic gunship's zoom to the surface, and deploy the troops. Anakin, Rex and Rowdy quickly storm the Super Battle Droids and attack them. As TZ-34 watches on, Mace Windu and Commander Neyo sneak up on him. Neyo shoots TZ-34 in the chest, before Mace jumps in front of TZ-34, and having sliced the droids legs off, he stabs it. Kano and Boomer lead the rest of the 501st to help take care of the Super Battle Droids. Up above, Ahsoka and Cody lead the ARC-170's and blow up a Mandalorian cruiser. Ahsoka then turns their ARC-170 towards another cruiser, and says "This is where the fun begins!" as they and several other ARC-170's dock inside the hangar. Death Watch soldiers surround them, but Ahsoka burts out of her one, and starts to try and disarm them. Cody calls out "Remember the instructions, Commander Tano! Death Watch must be eliminated, no prisoners!". Ahsoka nods and slices up the nearest one to her, before kicking the next one aside. Cody and the 212th clones fire at them from their cover behind the starfighters. One Death Watch trooper says "Kill the Jedi!" as Obi-Wan Kenobi attacks the Death Watch surrounding Satine. As one takes a hurried shot at Satine, Obi-Wan just about blocks it, sending it into the throat of the shooter. The shooter goes down gurgling, as Obi-Wan defeats the others. Satine says "You were just in time, Obi-Wan" and Obi-Wan replies "I do like to make a few close calls" as they smile at each other. Ahsoka and Cody have killed all of Death Watch on that cruiser, so they fly down to the surface...

Ahsoka and Cody regroup with all the others outside Satine's palace. Ahsoka and Satine smile at each other. Mace says to Ahsoka "Padawan Tano. You're job is to lead Captain Rex and the 501st in a frontal assault". Ahsoka nods, and walks off with Rex, Rowdy and Kano, along with other 501st clones. Mace Windu tells Obi-Wan "Myself and Commander Neyo will lead the frontal assault. You General Kenobi, will protect the Duchess!". Obi-Wan nods his head, but as Mace walks off, Obi-Wan turns to Anakin and says "Stay with Satine, do you're best to protect her." Anakin asks "Is there a reason that I'm the one to protect the Duchess, or?-" but Obi-Wan retorts "Now is not the time to be difficult, Anakin. We have a battle on our hands!" before storming off. Anakin and Satine walk down another route, Anakin wondering how well he can do Obi-Wan's orders...

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