Sunday 30 October 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 86: Attack

Characters: Tusken Raiders, Padme Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex, ARF Sergeant Boomer, 501st Clones.

Narration: "Senator captured! Padme Amidala was ambushed and captured by the vicious Tusken Raider people! Now, Anakin Skywalker leads a rescue team, to attempt to rescue the Senator of Naboo!"

Anakin Skywalker lands the T-6 shuttle on the planet known as Boa Bakron. He calls out "Let's go!", and he is joined by Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex, Sergeant Boomer and several 501st Clones. Immediately they are ambushed, as Tusken Raiders charge them with spears. Anakin slices the spears off from the raiders, maliciously and brutally cuts them down. Ahsoka watches as Anakin does this, as she has never seen him act like this before. While she is distracted, a Tusken Raider charges her, and headbutts her in the chest, sending her flying and crashing to the ground. Anakin notices, mutters "Always needs help", before saving Ahsoka from being speared, before slicing the head off the attacking Tusken Raider. "Thanks, Master!" Ahsoka tells Anakin. "If you had been a better fighter, maybe you wouldn't have needed saving!" Ahsoka is shocked at Anakin's attitude, and shouts back "What has got you on edge all of a sudden?! And if my skills are bad, then it is your fault, because of you're training!" and she jabs him in the chest to make her point. As Anakin slices down another Tusken Raider, he tells her "It's these Sand People. I have had bad experience with them in the past", lying through his teeth, as it is Padme that is troubling him. Rex, Boomer and the Clones are in hand-to-hand combat with the Tusken Raiders, Anakin rushes in to help, but two Tusken Raiders launch themselves at him from behind, Ahsoka notices and leaps in ahead of the two, and slices them down with both her lightsabers upon their attack. With the Tusken Raiders defeated, they split up. Anakin and Ahsoka heading one way, Rex, Boomer and the Clones the other...

Tusken Raiders ambush Rex, Boomer and the Clones. The other 501st Clones are swiftly wiped out, leaving only Rex and Boomer remaining. "This is it!" says Boomer to Rex, before several Tusken Raiders charge and stab him repeatedly, sending how into a swamp. Rex avoids several attacks, and kills a couple of Tusken Raiders, but is forced to retreat. Rex soon meets up again with Ahsoka and Anakin. Anakin tells him "We've found out where there camp is. Time to move in!" before trotting off. Ahsoka and Rex follow Anakin, heading for the Tusken's camp. Elsewhere, the Tusken Raiders torture Padme some more, intent on brutally hurting her as much as they want...

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