Sunday 22 May 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 10: Gungan Revelation

Characters: Po Nudo, Jar-Jar Binks, Boss Nass, Tarpals, Aqua Droids, Gungan Warriors, Tactical Droid TT-88, Padme Amidala.

For this arc, Padme uses her red gear from Pursuit Of Peace.
Narration:"Return! Jar-Jar Binks is taking a holiday from helping Senator Padme Amidala in the Republic Senate! He is returning to the swamps of his homeworld of Naboo in order to meet with his kin, the Gungan race! But little does he know, that the Separatists are plotting an attack on Naboo".

Jar-Jar Binks stands aboard the Naboo craft of Senator Padme Amidala who is dropping him off on the swamp of Naboo, where he will then make his way to Otah Gunga, his home place. Padme finds the spot and says to Jar-Jar "We're about to land" before the ship touches down. Padme then activates the landing ramp from the craft so that Jar-Jar can walk down to the surface. Padme calls out to Jar-Jar as he walks out "Have a nice trip!" before she pilots the ship out of the atmosphere as Jar-Jar mutters "Mesa, will enjoysa thisa trip!"

Jar-Jar walks to the swamp and jumps into the water and swims down. Instantly he spots Otah Gunga and heads straight for it. He enters and comes face to face with two Gungans he knows well, Boss Nass and Captain Tarpals. Tarpals says "Ah! Jar-Jar, it is good to see yousa again!" and Jar-Jar replies "You too, Tarpals" before Boss Nass says "I hope yousa find your holiday, very great".

Meanwhile, unaware to the Gungans, in an underwater vessel Po Nudo turns to a squad of five Aqua Droids and says "That Gungan representative has arrived, now begin your attack" and the Aqua Droids repond with "We'll take them out!" and a battalion of fifty Aqua Droids board several Trident Drills and the Trident Drills start to head towards Otah Gunga.

Not far off, Jar-Jar and Tarpals are walking down a hallway when Tarpals says "Let's go on a cruise as it's your holiday, shall we?" and Jar-Jar replies "Okie-doke" and they board a bongo and Tarpals drives the bongo through the water when they notice ships in the shape of a trident heading towards Otah Gunga and Tarpals says "Theresa never any ships coming around here" and as they drive past, Jar-Jar looks inside and sees sometjing that shocks him and he turns to Tarpals, feeling sick, and he says "Theresa Aqua Droids aboard those ships, we must turn around now!" and Tarpals turns the ship around and he tries to head back to Otah Gunga but one of the Trident Drills bases the bongo and sends it spinning madly, and the bongo, out of contol crashes back into Otah Gunga just as several Trident Drills enter...

Jar-Jar and Tarpals quickly get to their feet and run quickly to where Boss Nass is and Tarpals gasps and says "Nass, theresa are Separatist Aqua Droids invading, we must escape and warn the Naboo!" and Nass replies "We must not dither, we have to hurry!" and he orders Jar-Jar and Tarpals into one bongo as other Gungans head into other bongo's. Nass stops one Gungan and says "Yousa are one of our bravest fighters, yousa take the other brave of our kin and hold off those Separatists as long as possible!" and the Gungan nods and rallies up six other brave Gungans and as the bongo's leave, they prepare a last stand.

The brave Gungan says to the others "Wesa must stand firm! Wesa must die with honour! Wesa WILL die with honour!!!" and the Trident Drills unload the Aqua Droids and the Gungans toss booma's (Energy balls) at the Aqua Droids. The Gungan Warriors stand firm and manage to destroy at least ten of the Aqua Droids, but quickly all the Gungan Warriors except for the brave one is killed. The brave Gungan mutters to himself "I know what I must do now!" and he exits the cover he was in and attacks at the Aqua Droids with his sphere but one Aqua Droids grabs the Gungan before smashing the sphere in half and throwing the Gungan to the ground. The Gungan lays on his knees, breathing heavily as all the Aqua Droids gather around him. The Gungan says "Mesa, has served mesa purpose, now I diesa with a fight!" and the Gungan smacks the Aqua Droid that threw him to the ground but the Aqua Droid just shoves him away before several Aqua Droids shoot the Gungan, killing him.

Meanwhile, Boss Nass says to Tarpals and Jar-Jar as they race through the waters in their bongo "Wesa must contact the Naboo, as Padme and Bail Organa have just arrived and wesa must warn them of an invasion!" as the story ends!

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