Friday 20 May 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 7: Abduction

Characters: Rush Clovis, Lott Dod, Padme Amidala, R2-D2, C-3PO, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Nemoidian Aide, Ponda Baba, Aayla Secura, Naboo Pilot Vad.

For this arc, Padme wears her blue attire.

Narration:" Anger and hate! Member of the Banking Clan Rush Clovis, left fuming after his failure to stop Padme Amidala and Anakin Skywalker leaving with co-ordinates for a Separatist factory on Geonosis, Clovis now seeks to gain revenge on both Amidala and Skywalker!"

Rush Clovis sits on a sofa in Lott Dod's palace, pondering. He is mainly thinking about Senator Padme Amidala and how she along with Anakin Skywalker, humiliated him a while ago when they were on Cato Nemoidia, the planet Clovis is still on. Lott Dod, the owner of the palace, is watching him, knowing Clovis has something to say. Lott Dod hadn't killed Clovis after the incident before, but he did take Clovis of his position as the Banking Clan representative on the senate. A Nemoidian aide brings them both drinks.

Suddenly Clovis finally speaks, "I have thought up a method to get revenge on Padme and Skywalker" and Lott Dod replies "Well, no need to hold it in, spit it out!" and Clovis stands up and says "I need to borrow a Separatist base, I need plenty of Battle Droids and I need to hire a Bounty Hunter plus I could use a base" and Lott Dod replies "Let's speak to Count Dooku then about this" and they head off to a transmission table.

Rush Clovis contacts Dooku and says "Count Dooku, I know my failure here was very costly, but I have a way to make amends" and Dooku replies "Oh, and how do you plan to do that?". Clovis says "First off all I need a base, a Bounty Hunter, and a bunch of Battle Droids" and Dooku replies "Have you, decided on which Bounty Hunter?" and Clovis replies back "Yes, I have looked up some Bounty Hunters and I believe this one will be good" *Shows Dooku hologram of Ponda Baba*, "I believe this one would work perfectly" and Dooku replies "Very well, I will send a bunch of Commando Droids to the base I am giving you".

Later on, Clovis arrives at the Separatist base on the planet Bakura. Clovis walks into the base and two Commando Droids in purple head towards him and one says "Count Dooku is waiting for you, sir". Clovis is lead into the command centre where Count Dooku is waiting and Dooku says "I see you have found the base, now, contact me when you have Senator Amidala as your hostage" and Ponda Baba walks into the room and indicates he is ready to head off on the mission. Clovis and Ponda Baba bring a a hover speeder on board their cruiser before heading off with five Commando Droids.

Meanwhile on Coruscant, Padme is rushing around and is sweating heavily as she tries to get everything ready for her trip to the shops. Anakin Skywalker watches her and says "You know, maybe if you stopped rushing around so much, you would feel a bit more, relaxed" and Padme replies "I can't feel relaxed! There's still lots to find and do today, and wheres my shopping list gone?!". Just then her Protocol Droid C-3PO walks in and says "Pardon me, my lady but I found this on the floor beside your bed" and C-3PO hands Padme the sheet of paper which she recognizes is her shopping list and says "Thanks, 3-PO always good to have someone willing to help" and Anakin replies "Well, it was a rather funny thing to watch" and Padme says "Anyway, my pilot will be here in a minute, so do you want a kiss or not?" and Anakin replies "Absolutely" and they kiss briefly as Padme hears a noise and she breaks the kiss and says "Ah, here's my pilot, better go!" and Anakin says as Padme and R2-D2 get aboard the airspeeder to join Naboo Pilot Vad, "Just watch yourself out there, there's something being plotted out there, and I don't like it".

Shortly later, Vad parks the speeder just a click away from the shops and says "I'll be parked over in that parking zone just over there" and Padme replies "Of course Vad, i'll try not to be too long". Padme and R2-D2 jump out of the speeder and head straight towards the shop. Meanwhile, Vad has parked the speeder and he notices a cruiser nearby and he thinks to himself "There's never cruisers around here" and he opens his holster and checks his pistol is there, when suddenly something grabs him from behind and smacks his head against the speeder knocking him unconcious. Two Commando Droids loom above his body and one says to the other "We'll take him back to Clovis".

Padme and R2-D2 keep walking on towards the shop when R2 begins to feel jittery and he waltzes off down an alley to check if anything is there, when he is grabbed from behind and tossed into a rubbish dump and the three Commando Droids that threw him in there emerge and join the two that took out Vad as they head for where Padme is. Padme sensing something is wrong, runs down another alley and as she does so three Commando Droids appear behind her with another two in front. The Droids shoot at Padme who returns fire, knocking down one Droid with a bolt to the head but one droid manages to shoot her in the arm sending her pistol flying off. One Droid picks up the pistol as they take Padme hostage and put her in a speeder and the Droids pilot the speeder to where Rush Clovis is waiting.

Clovis and Ponda Baba watch as the Commando Droids bring Padme before him, Clovis looks at Padme with pure hate etched on his face and he orders them to put Padme beside another prisoner which turns out to be Vad. Clovis looks at Padme and says "I will soon have my revenge on you for that incident on Cato Nemoidia!" and Padme replies "How are you going to do that?", Clovis states "I will lure Skywalker into a trap and kill him before your eyes!" and Padme replies "Right, but anything planned before that?" and Clovis replies "Ah yes, to show I mean business, your friend here will be executed!" and he indicates for Ponda Baba to execute Vad. Ponda Baba shoots Vad two times through the head and Vad collapses, well dead. Clovis orders them to regroup and they get in a hover speeder to board the cruiser.

But, as they Clovis and Ponda Baba bring Padme on board the speeder to escape, Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano appears as she heard the shots and she calls out "Senator!" as she sees Padme captured and Padme yells back "Ahsoka, get help!" and Clovis yells "Droids, take that Jedi wretch!". The speeder flies off as Ahsoka ignites her lightsabers to face the oncoming Commando Droids. The Droids charge at her and start to shoot at her but Ahsoka blocks the bolts before leaping above two of the Droids and upon landing quickly slices the head off one before stabbing through the stomach of the other one. Ahsoka quickly slices the other two diagnolly and as they crumble,  Ahsoka is already running off to get help but on her way she runs straight into Jedi Master Aayla Secura who is also down there and they both go flying to the ground. When they regain their strength, they both stand up and Ahsoka says "Master Secura, I just witnessed two people abduct Senator Amidala" and Aayla replies "We must act quickly, i'll alert the Coruscant Guard and see if we can rally up some troops and take a look around!" as the story ends!

Extra fact: The Commando Droids in this arc are specially designed by Clovis as they capture the colour of the dress Padme wore in Senate Spy. It reminds Clovis of the events there on Cato Nemoidia.

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