Monday 25 July 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 18: Confrontation On Kashyyyk

Characters: Darth Maul, Savage Opress, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Clone Captain Rex, R2-D2, Plo Koon, Yoda, Shaak Ti, Kashyyyk Camo ARF Troopers, Chewbacca, Wookiee Warriors, Clone Commander Cody, Zabrak Warriors.

*Means translation of any specie language into basic. For this episode it is used for Wookiee's*

Narration:"Jedi struck into turmoil! The Jedi have discovered that Savage Opress, has been hunting down and killing whoever he is ordered to. Unaware of who is ordering Savage to do these killings, the Jedi have put out a call for assistance, and the Wookiee's come forward with proof that Savage Opress is currently on their world of Kashyyyk. Now, the Jedi plan a strategy to take out Savage once and for all, and rescue Ahsoka Tano, who has been captured!"

Jedi Masters Yoda, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker gather around a briefing table. Obi-Wan says "This situation is getting more and more disturbing. Savage and Maul could soon be more dangerous than they are already. And harm the entire galaxy" and Shaak Ti says "Which is why we must make sure at all costs, that they are defeated" and Yoda says "Backed by the Zabrak race, they will be. Bring a legion of clones, to aid you in this struggle, you should". Plo Koon says "We have a new batch of ARF Troopers, who are eager and have the gear to match the Kashyyyk environment" and Anakin says as he moves to leave the room "I'll find Captain Rex and link up with these troopers" as Yoda says "Obi-Wan, and Commander Cody, should join you and Rex, slow you down, they will, not so reckless, you will be then". Obi-Wan follows Anakin out the door as Plo Koon, Shaak Ti and Yoda watch them leave.

Anakin heads to the hangar of the Jedi Temple, to find the ARF Troopers ready by three Republic gunships. Captain Rex stands up from where he was sitting by the door, and says "General, we're taking these shiny's?" and Anakin replies "They are eager, and ready for our task. They'll do a good job at covering our backs while we handle the Sith" and Rex says solemnly "I'd like to say I'm convinced". The doors of the hangar open again and Obi-Wan and Clone Commander Cody walk in. Cody says "We'll be taking these gunships general!" and Obi-Wan replies "Excellent Cody. Squad one can join us in the first gunship, Anakin, Rex and squad two will take the second gunship, and squad three can have the last gunship to themselves" as they join Anakin and Rex. Rex says to Cody "Ready for another stellar mission, old boy" and Cody replies "Ready whenever you are Rex!" as they walk into their respective gunships. Anakin says to Obi-Wan "Meet you back on the surface Master!" before following Rex into the gunship, as Obi-Wan joins Cody.

The three Republic gunships come within site of Kashyyyk and the pilot of gunship two says "We are approaching Kashyyyk, we will rendezvous with the Wookiee's on the surface" and Anakin replies "Get us as close as you can to to the village, but not right inside it, as it will be easier to maneuver" and the pilot replies "Yes, sir!" and lands on the beach outside the village. Obi-Wan calls out to the troopers as they leave the gunships "Holster your weapons, everyone! We should not look like we want to endanger the Wookiee's or harm them" and Anakin says "Relax Master, they're on our side after all!" and Obi-Wan sighs and mutters to the ARF Troopers "Anakin has always been that brash"

Anakin and Obi-Wan are closely followed by Rex, Cody and the ARF Troopers as they enter the main Wookiee hut in the village. One of the Wookiee's gestures for Obi-Wan and Anakin to sit down. Anakin mutters "Pity C-3PO isn't here. You might have to resort to sign language" and Obi-Wan mutters back "Hush Anakin, Qui-Gon's teachings does have it's merits" and he says to the Wookiee's "My good friends. We have evidence that there are Sith on this planet holding a young Jedi hostage, *"My Padawan, in fact" chips in Anakin* and we will need your help if we are to rescue her alive and defeat the Zabrak Warriors and Sith that keep her as bounty. One of the Wookiee's points at the clone's and says *You have these men, so why not use them?* and Obi-Wan replies "Our men are good, but extra assistance is always helpful". The Wookiee understands and gestures for a group of ten Wookiee's to step forward. The Wookiee then says, pointing to the one at the head *This is Chewbacca, he is young, but he is already one of our most loyal, and brave warriors* and Obi-Wan says "Pleasure to meet you Chewbacca" as the two of them shake hands. The Wookiee then points them out and whispers *Good luck* as they leave.

Savage Opress watches the Republic gunships land and turns to Darth Maul and says "It is time. They have arrived" and Maul replies "You go hold them off, I have some thinking to do". Once Savage leaves, Maul goes deep into thought. Maul knows he must be rid of his brother if he is to rule the galaxy alone.

Savage rallies the other Zabrak Warriors and says "We must hold them off. You must handle the Republic Clone Troopers, I will handle the Jedi" and the Zabrak's reply "Yes, Savage!". The Republic gunships open and Anakin says "That's a lot of Zabrak's!" and Chewbacca lets out a roar. Obi-Wan says "Chewbacca says that numbers mean nothing, unless your counting the number of kills you've done". Cody and Rex join Anakin, Obi-Wan and Chewbacca. Rex says "Sir! The Zabrak's are spread in a wide formation. Not sure what they're planning" and Obi-Wan replies "I think a good idea would be to wait and see what they are planning" and Rex says "I agree with Kenobi. We can't be sure what they're planning at this moment. As the Republic forces start to move around, Savage screams "CHARGE!!!" and before the Republic forces can get organised, the Zabrak's are right on top of them. Several ARF Troopers and one Wookiee falls before the Republic can start to defend. Savage Opress smacks Anakin aside with his lightsaber hilt, before stabbing through the chest of one of the ARF Troopers. Obi-Wan rushes into prevent Savage attacking Cody by blocking the attack. Obi-Wan force pushes Savage back away from the clones. Anakin gets up from the ground and together he and Obi-Wan lock lightsabers with Savage.

The clones fight valiantly against the Zabrak's, but the Zabrak's have better weaponry. Soon into the battle, one Zabrak Warrior slices through an ARF Trooper before pushing the dead body into Captain Rex who stumbles and falls, dropping one pistol right beside him. The Zabrak quickly smacks the other pistol out of Rex's grip with his spear, before saying "Die clone" as he prepares to stab down with his spear. However, R2-D2 notices this and sprays some form of acid into the Zabrak's eyes, temporarily blinding him. Rex quickly scoops up his nearest pistol and shooting the Zabrak through the forehead. He grabs his other pistol, says "Thanks little guy", giving R2 a quick pat on the head before shooting at another Zabrak attempting to assault Chewbacca. Chewbacca retaliates by punching the Zabrak out cold. Cody and a Wookiee team up to floor another Zabrak. Two more Zabrak's fall at the guns of four ARF Troopers, leaving seven more Zabraks. They realize quickly that they are outnumbered, and as well now: Outgunned. One Zabrak calls out "Come on! We must leave, if we want to live!" and Savage screams "NOOOOOO!!!" before force pushing Anakin and Obi-Wan aside, he yells at the Zabrak's "You knew what you signed up for! You will NOT leave this fray of conflict!" and one Zabrak replies "We thought... that our weaponry would be good enough" and Savage replies "Fool! Weaponry doesn't win battles, skill does!" before deciding he had enough "Go then! *He roars at the other Zabrak's*, go back home, I can handle everyone here myself!". As the Zabrak's rush off, Savage turns to the drowsy Anakin and Obi-Wan and says "Now, I will show you Jedi raw power, and take you out!", but as Savage lifts his lightsaber to attack, a lightsaber is plunged through his back, and Savage crumples to the ground. Obi-Wan and Anakin look up to see who killed Savage Opress and they both gasp "Darth Maul!"

Obi-Wan is first to recover from the shock, and splutters at Maul "I- I don't understand... why did you kill him" and Maul coldly replies "I knew how powerful he was. How powerful he could become, and I could not allow that. Only I, can be the biggest Zabrak Sith". Anakin says "You're wrong, because we're taking you down too!" and Maul laughs and says "Bring it Jedi!". Obi-Wan and Anakin start to duel Maul. But Maul isn't the duelist he once was, and Anakin and Obi-Wan have improved, so it was a clear advantage. Obi-Wan soon slices half of Maul's lightsaber apart. Maul merely grunts and says "Lucky whelp!" before kicking Obi-Wan in the side of the ribs. Maul is unaware, however that Anakin is right behind him. Anakin force pushes Maul toward Obi-Wan and yells "Finish him Master!". Obi-Wan easily knocks the remainder of Maul's lightsaber aside, leaps over Maul, amd stabs him through the back of the heart, thinking "This one's for Qui-Gon Jinn!" as Maul, like his bother, falls.

As the shock of the battle wears in. Anakin says "Well, let's hope we don't have to take him out a third time" and Obi-Wan says "He's well and clearly dead Anakin, there's no way he's coming back". Anakin is about to reply when Rex appears saying "We found Ahsoka general!" and Anakin is shocked by his first look back at Ahsoka. Her face is bruised from the torture she went as the prisoner of Savage and Maul, but otherwise unhurt, and clearly delighted to see him, as she cries "Master!" and runs over to hug Anakin. Obi-Wan merely chuckles and says "Better not get used to that Anakin!". Anakin says to Rex and Cody "We need to return to Coruscant and give our full report to the council" and they head for the gunships as the story ends!

1 comment:

  1. Nice finish to this arc! I love the whole Zabrak vs. Wookiees thing!
