Thursday 14 July 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 17: Danger Hunt

Characters: Savage Opress, Darth Maul, Ahsoka Tano, Padme Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Commander Fox, Clone Trooper Jek, Yoda, Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker, Jar-Jar Binks, Gungan Warriors, Captain Tarpals.

Narration:"Zabrak attacked! Count Dooku ordered General Grievous to hunt down and kill former apprentice Savage Opress, but, Savage Opress escaped and came across his brother Darth Maul, now, Darth Maul tells Savage about Savage's new assignments!"

Darth Maul and Savage Opress sit in a cave and after a few minutes silence, Maul says "You fought well against those Jedi" and Savage replies "Thank you" but Maul adds "But that was the easy business" before saying "I want you to go and engage the Gungan population, wipe them all out" and after that, Maul takes out a hologram of a Jedi Padawan and says "This is Ahsoka Tano, I want you to capture her so we can lure Master's Kenobi and Skywalker into a trap" and Savage replies "It will be done, my brother" before walking out of the cave.

On Naboo, A Gungan Warrior approaches Captain Tarpals and says "Tarpals, sir! Thersa a bombad black plague coming thisa way!" and Tarpals grabs a pair of binoculars and after spotting what the Gungan saw, he turns to the Gungan and says furiously "Thisa not a plague! It,s a black ship heading thisa way!" and the Gungan says "Oh" as Tarpals starts dishing out orders to other Gungans, saying "Surround the ship, confront whoever it is trying to cause chaos to our home!"

Savage Opress lands the ship and four Gungans stop him as he walks down the ramp of the ship. One gungan says "Halt! State your business!" and Savage replies "If I told you, I would have to kill you, or maybe I will anyway!" before stabbing through the chest of the Gungan before force pushing the other three aside. Two more Gungans after seeing their comrade's fall, rush to take out Savage. Savage easily dodges the clumsy attacks before slicing the staffs that both Gungan's carried in half, before slicing across both Gungan's, killing them. Savage Opress continues on right to the very swamp, where Tarpals is waiting with ten more Gungan's behind him. Tarpals says "A Zabrak? oh, this should make for a fun fight!" and he charges at Savage with his staff and attacks at Savage who blocks, but as Savage attacks at Tarpals, he cannot defeat the brave, stubborn Gungan. As the fight goes on, Savage receives a message from Maul on his comlink saying "You've wasted enough time here! Leave, and capture that Padawan" and Savage instantly kicks Tarpals in the stomach before force pushing Tarpals into the other Gungan,s before giving them all a dose of force lightning to keep them down as Savage rushes back to his ship to fly to Coruscant.

On Coruscant inside the Jedi temple. Senator Padme Amidala and Representative Jar-Jar Binks head into the Jedi control room to find Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Mace Windu, and Anakin Skywalker already there. Jar-Jar bursts out angrily as he enters "Thisa outrageous! Thisa unreal! Mesa kin have been attacked!" and Yoda replies "We understand your pain Representative Binks, but nothing we can do at the moment" and Mace adds "No one saw the Zabrak escape to, so we are at loss to know where he will strike next. They ponder the silence for a few minutes before Padme turns to Anakin and says "Didn't you have dealings with this yellow-skinned Zabrak before?" and Anakin replies "Yes, me and Obi-Wan confronted him first on Toydaria, then on a Separatist dreadnaught" and Obi-Wan adds "Whatever this Zabrak does, it seems to be unexpected, the killing of Katuunko, now an assault on the Gungan race, what next?" and Yoda says "On high alert, place the citizens of Coruscant, strike here, they might" and Anakin says "Agreed, I'll go warn Ahsoka, she'll be in the Underworld at the moment with a couple of Clone's as escort" and he, Padme and Jar-Jar leave the room.

Savage Opress lands his ship on the Underworld and leaves to look for Ahsoka. He walks quickly through the streets, knowing he must find and capture her fast, as to not fail his brother again.

As Savage walks, he takes out the file Maul gave him of Jedi Ahsoka Tano and memorizes what she looks like so he will have no trouble telling what Togruta he is loking for.

Savage Opress keeps hurriedly walking on and finally spots Ahsoka Tano walking to a side street away from the crowd with two Clone Troopers. Savage checks the files Maul supplied him with and identiefied them as Trooper Jek and Commander Fox. Savage smiles to himself as Ahsoka and the Clone's enter the side street and thinks "Perfect" to himself as he jumps down behind them, engaging half of his lightsaber as he jumps. Ahsoka immediately turns and ignites her long lightsaber before saying to Savage "You must be that Zabrak my Master warned me about?" and Savage replies "Most likely" and Ahsoka says to the Clone's "Jek, Fox, cover me!" and she ignites her shoto as well and attacks Savage, who blocks the attack, and seizes Ahsoka by the throat before hurling her into the wall of a building. Fox and Jek open fire on Savage who simply slices there weapons in half, before force choking both at the same time and throwing them against each other. As the Clone's collapse, Ahsoka charges at Savage who again blocks her attack, before swiveling and giving Ahsoka a firm kick in the side of the ribcage. Ahsoka gasps and collapses, unconcious. Savage waits until Ahsoka hits the ground before picking her up and bringing her back to the ship, before tying Ahsoka against part of the ship using a rope.

Savage Opress arrives on Kashyyyk where Maul told him to go and he deposits Ahsoka at Maul's feet and says "As requested, I have returned with the Padawan" and Maul replies "Excellent". Maul ten turns around and adds "I know how these Jedi work. They will send out a force to try and rescue her, and hopefully Kenobi will be sent" and Savage looks at Maul and says "You want to fight him again?" and Maul, his eyes blazing with anger "I want to make him suffer for the state he has left me in!" as the story ends!

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