Friday 19 August 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 31: Unlikely Alliance

Characters: Asajj Ventress, Mother Talzin, Karis, Talia, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Count Dooku, Commander Cody, Waxer, Boil, Wooley, 212th Legion Clones, TK-11, Count Dooku.

Narration: “Second plot! Asajj Ventress has not given up her hopes of eliminating her former Master, Count Dooku, but after forced to concede defeat after her last attempt. She returns to Dathomir, to seek more advice from Mother Talzin!”

Asajj Ventress walks on Dathomir. She is in the place where the Nightsisters dwell, she walks past two Nightsisters she knows as Talia and Karis, almost at her goal. Ventress walks through the doors to the place where she knows Mother Talzin will be. Talzin turns around as Ventress arrives, and says “You have returned?” and Ventress replies “Yes, Mother, I need to have another shot at Dooku. Where is Savage?” and Talzin replies “Savage believed you betrayed him. Dooku tried to hunt him down with his army. Rumour has it he’s dead?”. Ventress looks shocked at this, and mumbles “But-But, how am I supposed to defeat Dooku now?” and Talzin starts pacing the room, saying “I have an idea, but, you must be willing to do anything to take down Dooku”. Ventress says “I am willing”. Talzin takes this in, and whispers in Ventress’s ear, “You must join up with your enemies”… Ventress stands up, looking shocked at the thought, “Kenobi and Skywalker? I have not had worse enemies until-” and Talzin finishes for her, “Until Dooku betrayed you”… Talzin starts pacing again, and says “You both share a common goal where Dooku is concerned, that is why you must join them”. Ventress realizes Talzin is right, and leaves immediately.

Asajj Ventress flies her Trident ship in space, looking for a Republic Cruiser to dock on. She finds one after several hours search, and boards through the hangar, where several 212th Legion Clones are cleaning their weaponry. They notice Ventress leaving the Trident, and yell “Stop!” as they raise their blasters. Ventress stops, which surprises the Clones. Ventress walks over to them, and says “Bring me before Kenobi and Skywalker!” and one Clone stutters “Err-Surrender?” and Ventress replies “Certainly” before handing over her red lightsabers. The 212th Clones are left speechless by this, but regain their composure enough to lead Ventress to the bridge.

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker stand on the bridge, discussing tactics. Obi-Wan soon says “What about Dooku?” and Anakin replies “On his palace at Serenno, we have the forces to take him, but, we need someone who knows the palace well”. A voice calls out “I think I can help with that!” and they turn to find Ventress walking through the doors to the bridge. Obi-Wan and Anakin say at the same time “Ventress!” before both igniting their lightsabers. Ventress watches them with amusement, and says “Chill, chill! I’m here on your side!” and Obi-Wan replies “Change of heart?” and Anakin adds “Or is this just a trick?”. Ventress calmly approaches the hologram table where Obi-Wan and Anakin are, and says, “We are still enemies, but at this moment, we both want the same goal, Dooku taken care of! So, I propose we work together to take that slime out!”. Anakin and Obi-Wan deactivate their lightsabers, with Obi-Wan saying to Anakin, “Well, Ventress’s battle abilities could come in useful” and the three of them sit down to plot the battle.

Later, Ventress, Obi-Wan and Anakin go into the hangar of the cruiser, where Cody and many other Clones are waiting. Obi-Wan holds his hand up and says “The teams are as follows, Ventress, Anakin and a squad of Clones will attack behind the palace, I, Cody and another squad will attack from the left, and the remaing two Clone squads shall lead a frontal assault”, before adding, “Any questions”. Clone Trooper Boil steps forward, and asks, “Begging your pardon General, but what is she doing in here” pointing at Ventress. Obi-Wan says “She is here because she wants the same as us, Dooku put in his place”, which leads to cheering from other Clones. Waxer nudges Boil and jokes, “He put you in your place there, all right!”. After the noise goes, everyone heads into their respective gunship’s. Anakin and Ventress into Gunship #1, Obi-Wan and Cody into #2, and Boil, Waxer and Clones, including Wooley, into #3. Boil turns to Wooley and says, “Me and Waxer will be doing the dangerous stuff, so keep us covered!” as the gunship’s race out of the Venator-Class Star Destroyer.

Count Dooku is joined by Tactical Droid TK-11 as Republic Gunship’s land in front of his palace, and the battle commences as the story ends!

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