Friday 19 August 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 32: Count Confrontation

Characters: Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Commander Cody, Waxer, Boil, Wooley, 212th Clones, TK-11, Luminara Unduli, Mace Windu.

Narration: “Attempt! Asajj Ventress, continuing her hunting game with Count Dooku, assigned the help of her enemies, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to assist her in wiping out Dooku, and now the battle begins, to annihilate Dooku for good!”

Obi-Wan Kenobi leaps out of his gunship, and is followed by Commander Cody and five 212th Troopers, they all pause behind cover. Obi-Wan turns to Cody, and says, “There’s our first target. We have to get rid of those Proton Cannons!”. Cody nods, signals and he and the other Clones rush forward and start opening fire on the Proton Cannons. One Proton Cannon fires at them, blowing up two Clones to bits. Cody pauses and yells back at Obi-Wan “We can’t afford to lose any more men!” and Obi-Wan replies “Leave it to me!” before closing his eyes, he slowly and steadily uses the force to hurl one Proton Cannon into another, destroying both. Cody quickly hurls a thermal detonator, blowing up the final Proton Cannon. They swiftly break cover and advance on the Command Post nearby, Obi-Wan leaps into it, catching the guarding Battle Droids by surprise, before slicing them apart. Obi-Wan, Cody and the remaining Clones head into the palace to continue their mission.

In another part of the battle. Anakin and Ventress are taking out Super Battle Droids, while the five Clones with them cover their backs, shooting droids emerging from the palace. Ventress says “I’ve had enough stalling, I’m going to get Dooku now!” before running off, Anakin calls out “Wait! It would be easier if we took him-Together” he concludes as Ventress disappears. A blaster bolt almost hitting him in the head brings Anakin back to his senses. He hurls his lightsaber in a lightsaber throw, cutting through several Battle Droids, as the five Clones storm the Command Post, and eliminate the Battle Droids on it. Anakin and the Clones then rush inside, looking for Ventress.

As Ventress runs through the palace, she has a gut feeling where Dooku will be. And sure enough, upon entering the hangar, she finds Dooku waiting for her. Dooku says “So, you have dared return to where I have trained you?” and Ventress replies “I dare, and this, will be our final duel!” and she ignites her new green lightsabers. Dooku ignites his lightsaber and confidently states “Winner-Takes-All!” as they begin their duel.

Anakin contacts Mace Windu and Luminara Unduli on Coruscant. Luminara says “Master Skywalker, what is the matter?” and Anakin replies “We’re fighting well here Masters, but we could use reinforcements in case they bring in more of their own!”. Mace says “Reinforcements are, on their way”, as Anakin’s hologram disappears, Mace turns to Luminara and says “Take some squads in gunship’s and assist them I must wait here in case of more messages” and Luminara leaves.

Obi-Wan and his team run through the palace. Obi-Wan abruptly says to them, “I’m going to look for Ventress. Continue the mission to wipe out those Commando Droids!”. As Obi-Wan runs off, Waxer, Boil and Wooley arrive to assist Cody and the other three. They head into a hallway to find the Commando Droids, who quickly open fire, missing most of the time, but one shot enters through Wooley’s head and kills him. Cody, Boil, Waxer and the Clones return fire, taking out a few Commando Droids. One Commmando Droids gets Boil in a vice-grip, but Waxer shoots the Commando Droid in the head, and Boil throws it off him. Waxer calls out “Bring in the rocket launcher!” and one Clone takes out his rocket launcher, before blowing the remaing Commando Droids out of the way.

Ventress chases Dooku through the hallway’s after he ran off during the duel. Obi-Wan briefly gets in her way, but Ventress simply knocks him out of the way, Obi-Wan gasps and yells out “I thought we both wanted to defeat Dooku?!” but Ventress screams back “NO!! HE’S MINE!!!” before force-choking Dooku relentlessly, hurling him through a different door. Ventress races in to find Dooku standing up. Dooku ignites his lightsaber again, and says, “This is where you meet your end!” as the story ends!

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