Sunday 27 November 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 125: Cyborg Attack

Characters: Count Dooku, General Grievous, HK-99, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Roron Corobb, Commander Appo, Clone Trooper Hardcase, Clone Trooper Jesse, Clone Trooper Kix, 501st Clones, Pirates, Hondo Ohnaka, Clone Trooper Kakter, Battle Droids, Super Battle Droids.

Narration: "Florrum under crisis! Count Dooku is determined to eliminate Hondo Ohnaka's gang of pirates! Having watched his droids fail, General Grievous prepares to go in on his terms!"

Ahsoka Tano heads into the Pirate stronghold, having been ordered my Anakin Skywalker to go and talk to Hondo Ohnaka. Hondo watches as Ahsoka strides into his office. Hondo greets her, by saying "We meet again" and Ahsoka replies "Indeed. I respectfully ask that you join the Republic in this battle. You cannot win without us." Hondo rises from his chair angrily, and pulls out a sword "Get out! You will not help us, you have fought against us in the past! Leave." With that, Ahsoka is forced to leave, having been threataned by Hondo. But unknown to Hondo, several 501st clones, including Appo and Jesse, have set up in the bar. "How's it going, Appo?" Ahsoka asks, and Appo replies "All the men are in position, commander Tano." Ahsoka tells Appo "You know, you don't need to be so entusiastic, Appo." Appo replies "Sorry, commander Tano. I guess I just feel so honoured to be serving general Skywalker, I've heard a lot about him, and have a lot of time for him." Ahsoka is surprised to hear this, as she thought Appo's enthusiasm was all part of his growth. Elsewhere, Grievous says to HK-99 and Dooku via hologram "I am going in myself. I shall handle these Weequay." HK-99 says "Is that not risky, general?" and Grievous retorts "I will ask you're advice IF I want it, HK-99." Grievous marches forward, with his Droid army following him...

Anakin is contacted by Hardcase who tells him "Grievous is on the offensive. May I and a group of clones confront him?" and Anakin replies "You may, Hardcase. Good luck" but Hardcase retorts "Someone with my firepower doesn't need luck you know", as Hardcase cuts the tranmission. When Grievous marches, past, Hardcase yells "OI there! Cyborg piece of scrap, you want a fight?!" and Grievous retorts "HA! You clones are childs play." Hardcase yells "You want a bet on that?" as Grievous ignites two lightsabers, Hardcase fires his DC-15 blaster, but not the gun, a rope fires out and draws Grievous into a knot. Hardcase punches Grievous in the head, and yells "Still sure we clones can't handle you?" As Hardcase walks off with Grievous in a knot, Grievous calls to him "You are, a most unusual, Clone" and Hardcase replies "I'm hyperactive, so what? We clones all have different personalities. Just face it." Hardcase leaves the 501st clones to watch over Grievous, but when Hardcase is gone, Grievous breaks loose from the ropes and attacks. The 501st clones attempt to succumb Grievous, but fail. Grievous slices and dices all the 501st clones, before making for the Pirate stronghold. Pirates pour out of the stronghold and attack Grievous, who slices them all out of the way. Grievous leaves to move towards the source of more fighting. Appo, Ahsoka and the 501st are joined by another Clone in the bar, who says "CT-2626, Kakter reporting as ordered!" and Appo replies "Welcome aboard, Kakter. I hear you like to be in the thick of the action." Elsewhere, Anakin says to Jesse "You know what to do." As Anakin and Hardcase begin their attack on incoming super battle droids from the front, Jesse says to Kix "Here we go!" and they utilize jetpacks and fly above the droids, and are joined by several 501st clones. Jesse, Kix and the clones provide covering fire as Anakin and Hardcase do close-combat with the droids. Meanwhile, HK-99 gets jumped from behind, and turns to find Roron Corobb standing above him. *Fall, droid!* says Corobb, but HK-99 replies "I am sorry, that is not in my programming. What were you-?" but Corobb slices HK-99 in half, silencing the droid. A thermal detonator is thrown into the bar, sending Ahsoka and the clones scurrying for cover. Ahsoka ignites her lightsabers, while the clones load their guns. As the smoke from the detonator disappears, battle droids and super battle droids attack them. Appo signals, and he, along with a couple of other clones take cover behind pillars, and use them to gun down droids. Ahsoka slices up several battle droids, before force-pushing the remains into more battle droids. Kakter says "I've got them!" and he moves forward to battle. However, the droid numbers are all over him, and Kakter is decked to the ground. A super battle droid guns Kakter down, with Ahsoka and Appo helpless to save Kakter. Ahsoka signals, and Appo and the couple of clones leave the pillars and attack, pushing the droids out of the bar. Ahsoka uses the force to drop a box from nearby onto the droids. Ahsoka says to Appo "I am truly sorry for your loss, commander." Appo takes off his helmet, and solemnly says "It's the price of war, I'm afraid. These things happen." Anakin arrives and joins them, having finished off those droids. Anakin says to them "I got word from master Kenobi, he is leading reinforcements here." Anakin, Ahsoka and Appo turn to watch as Roron Corobb tries to give instructions to Jesse, Kix and Hardcase, who just don't understand him...

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