Thursday 8 September 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 43: Republic Defense

Characters: Commander Neyo, Jedi Soon Bayts, 91st Reconaissance Clones, ARF Trooper Sea, ARF Trooper Desert, ARF Commander Cher, Rodian Ter Ex, Commando Droids, Clone Trooper Barb.

Narration: "Battle lines! On a distant world, Jedi General Soon Bayts, leads Clone Troopers, led by Commander Neyo in an attempt to push back the Separatist army, but supplies run short for our valiant Republic forces, and retreating sooner rather than later might soon become an option!"

AT-TE Walkers march across the battlefield towards a Separatist base. Two figures jump down from the lead AT-TE and land smoothly in front of the marching Clone Troopers. "What's our plan of attack, Sir?" Neyo says to General Soon Bayts, "We'll target the base with the AT-TE's cannons, and then march in to finish them off". Neyo nods his agreement before turning to give instructions to the other Clones ahead of the battle.

Not long later, Soon Bayts turns to the Clone forces, and yells, "This is it!" and the AT-TE's raise their cannons and fire at the base, destroying part of the base. Only for the AT-TE's to be destroyed by Proton Cannon shells that demolish the Republic Walkers. Clone Troopers leap aboard Barc Speeders to speed attack the enemy, but are met by Commando Droids, who are also very speedy, and the Commando Droids wipe out the Barc Speeders. Neyo leads Sea, Desert and Barb to snipe the Commando Droids from a distance. While they eliminate a good number of Droids, it is not long before ARF Commander Cher comes over, "We need to pull back! All our Walkers are gone!". Neyo and Cher are joined by Sea, Desert and Barb as they run into a forest, pursued by Commando Droids.

The Commando Droids shoot at the Clones as they chase them through the forest. Barb and Sea return fire, knocking a few Commando Droid over, but not destroying any. Suddenly, a squad of Commando Droids appears in front of Barb and Sea, and while Barb manages to run aside and re-join the others, Sea is ruthlessly mowed down by a hail of blaster bolts. Neyo and Cher cover Barb as he finds them, along with Desert again. Neyo, Cher, Barb and Desert then ambush the Commando Droids, and defeat them. Once the last Commando Droid is destroyed, Neyo turns to the others, "We've got to rendezvous at the point, it won't be long until the gunship leaves!" and the four Clones run out of the forest towards the canyon.

At the Separatist Base, The Rodian Separatist Ter Ex, says to his Commando Droid, "Go and kill those Republic forces! Bring me, their heads!" and the Droids reply "Roger, roger!" before leaving on Staps.

Neyo and the others regroup with Soon Bayts and the remaining Clones, most of whom are already onboard the gunship. Bayts says, "It's good to see you alive, Commander" and Neyo replies "It's good to see you alive too, General". Their reunion is short-lived however, as a loud noise warns them of the Separatists approaching. The Commando Droids rain fire down on the Clones, killing a few. Neyo, Cher, Barb and Desert fire at the Commando Droids while retreating to the gunship, and Bayts uses his lightsaber to repel any blaster bolts. However, when it is obvious the Commando Droids outnumber and surround Bayts, Bayts yells out at Neyo, "You must leave, now! I'll delay them as long as I can!". As the doors of the Republic Gunship closes, the last thing Neyo sees is his General, Soon Bayts, defeated and killed on the spot by the Commando Droids. The gunship heads off into the distance as the story ends!

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