Saturday 17 September 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 50: Angry Natives

Characters: Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives, ARF Sergeant Boomer, Clone Trooper Kano, 501st Clones (Strutter, Klanker), Clone Trooper Rowdy, Prince Xizor, Falleen King Zuxo, Falleen Guards, Falleen Soldiers, Darth Sidious.

Narration: "Attacked! Above a distant planet, General Grievous attacked a Republic cruiser, with many 501st Clone Troopers on board. Now, the remainder of these Clones are on a distant planet, with no idea what anything on the planet is like!"

On a distant world, a hatch is opened. Out of the hatch comes several beings that look just like each other, coughing and spluterring. These are Clone Troopers, who have just undergone an attack from General Grievous. Captain Rex says to ARC Trooper Fives "So, we live to fight another day!" and Fives says nothing in response, as he is reminded about the loss of Echo. Rex tells Kano, Booomer, Rowdy and the other two 501st Clones, Strutter and Klanker to walk on. Rex whispers to Fives so the others can hear "You're still feeling down about Echo, right?". When Fives finally turns to look at Rex again, Rex is taken aback by the distorted look on Fives face. Fives manages to say "Rex. You wouldn't understand. I've seen my whole squad die out as time goes on, with me being the lone survivor. There was nothing I could do to save any of the others". Rex clasps Fives's hand in his own hands, and tells Fives "Yeah? But I'll try to protect you and make sure you get through this war, count on it!". Fives smiles weakly at this, and he and Rex re-join Boomer, Kano, Rowdy, Klanker and Strutter...

After walking on for a bit, Klanker notices something and calls out "There's a big building over there!". Having gone up for a closer look, Rowdy says "It's a palace!" and Fives adds "And you know what planet is well known for it's palaces? Falleen". Strutter then says "Forgive me Captain, but what is the Falleen position in the war?". Rex replies "Neutral. Unless they've joined the Separatists in the last month". Fives says "Only one way to find out!" before sliding down the cliff surface. Rex and the others follow his lead...

The Clones walk through the huge doors and into the palaces grounds. Having just entered the courtyard, they are met by a hail of blaster bolts from three directions, Strutter is immediately killed and blown back against the wall. Fives yells "Hold your ground!" as the Clones fire wildly in all three directions, trying to get a scent of where the enemy is. Before they do however, a voice calls out "Stop! Stop! What do you think you are doing??". Rex and the other Clones notice someone in long gold robes approaching them, and Fives says "This must be the king of this planet!". The King happened to hear Fives, and says "Yes! Clone soldier, I am indeed the great King of Falleen!". Boomer says to Fives "Looks like you were right about it being Falleen, Fives!". Rex says "Pardon me, sir, but what is your name?" and the King replies "My name is Zuxo. I welcome you humbly to my palace!". With that, Zuxo turns on his heel and leads the Clones into the palace...

Inside the palace. The price, Xizor turns on his holotransmitter and Darth Sidious appears. Sidious asks "You bring news?" and Xizor replies "Yes, dark lord. The Clone Troopers you mentioned have arrived here, and I have planted a bomb in the shuttle I know that idiot Zuxo has set aside for them". Sidious says "Excellent. These are some of the Republic's most elite Clones, killing them, could prove to be essential in the war!" and Xizor replies "Yes, dark lord" before turning the holotransmission off.

Later on, with Rex, Fives, Rowdy, Kano, Boomer and Klanker having been given refreshments. Zuxo leads them out into the grounds, saying "We have set aside a shuttle for you to use to get back to Coruscant!". Rex thanks Zuxo for the shuttle, and as the Clones board the shuttle, with Rex following from behind. Zuxo calls out as they leave, "Have a nice journey!". Kano says "Nice man" and Klanker says "He is indeed". Fives says "I wonder"... and Rex says "Wonder what?" and Fives replies Why he would say something like that". The answer is almost immenent, as all the Clones feel a tremendous force inside of the ship, which sends it spinning wildly out of control. "Hang on tight!" Rowdy shouts as the shuttle spins and smashes into the ground...

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