Friday 30 September 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 58: Jedi Hostage

Characters: Sora Bulq, Count Dooku, Mace Windu, Commander Neyo, 91st Reconaissance Clones, ARF Trooper Razor, ARF Trooper Stak, Battle Droids, Security Battle Droids.

Narration: "Jedi held hostage! Jedi Master Sora Bulq has been captured by the evil forces of Count Dooku! Now, Bulq's friend Mace Windu leads a rescue party to attempt to free Master Bulq!"

Sora Bulq hangs limply from the ceiling inside a Separatist base. Bulq is drifting on the edge of consciousness as the cell doors open. Bulq looks up to see Count Dooku approaching him. Bulq says "So? What do you want with me?" and Dooku replies "I want you to join the Sith. Together! We can take down Master Windu and the rest of the Jedi!". Bulq pauses before saying "I will never join the Sith, Dooku. Over my dead body!" and Dooku replies "That can be arranged. The Jedi can't save you now, you're only hope is in the Sith". Bulq finally agrees, and as he nods his head, Dooku releases him and hands him back his lightsabers...

Mace Windu and the clones arrive on a Republic attack shuttle on the planet. Commander Neyo is followed by ARF Troopers Razor and Stak who join him off the ship. As all the 91st clones assemble, Neyo says to Mace Windu "All troopers have reported in, General!" and Mace replies "Very well Commander Neyo, let's proceed". Mace walks into the base, followed by the clones...

As they proceed through the hallways, Mace signals, he and Neyo split up as the other clones continue on to distract the enemy, Mace and Neyo head for the prison cells. They are almost immediately caught by Security Battle Droids, who shoot at them immediately. Mace ignites his lightsaber just in time to deflect the blaster bolts heading straight for Neyo, deflecting back into two of the droids. Neyo pulls out his DC-15 blaster and dispatches of two more. Ten more pour out to engage them, and Mace and Neyo combine to defeat all the droids. Razor and Stak lead the other 91st clones, and they are ambushed by Battle Droids, but Razor and Stak lead by example, smashing into them and gunning them down. Inspired by this, the 91st clones also engage the droids, for every clone that falls, four droids fall, and only three clones are lost at the end of the skirmish. One Battle Droid that is battered tries to get up, but Stak shoots it down saying "Stay down!". Razor, Stak and the clones reload their weapons before continuing on...

Mace and Neyo find themselves outside the cell of Sora Bulq soon. As Mace and Neyo approach him, they fail to clock the fact that for one, Bulq is out of his restraints, and he is holding his lightsaber. Mace says "It is good to see you're alive, Master Bulq". Sora Bulq turns around and looks at Mace, smiling maniacally "I'm glad you're here as well, Master Windu!" before igniting his lightsaber. Sora raises his lightsaber, ready for combat...

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