Sunday 25 September 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 57: Final Battle

Characters: Cham Syndulla, Corroy Mak, Twi'Lek Freedom Fighters, Elomin Leader Dante, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Commander Cody, CT-544 Clone Trooper Bolt, CT-115 Clone Trooper Wire, Tsui Choi, 49th Assault Squad, Numa, Waxer. Boil, Elomin Soldiers, Battle Droids, Super Battle Droids, 212th Legion Clones.

Narration: "Almost victory on Ryloth! The Republic forces, led by Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Corroy Mak, have almost defeated the Separatist forces on Ryloth! But still Separatists remain on the planet. Will the Republic emerge victorious?"

A Republic gunship arrives on Ryloth with reinforcements for the already tired Republic troops on the planet. Out of the gunship step 212th legion clones, led by Waxer and Boil. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Commander Cody and Numa approach Waxer and Boil. Numa asks "Nerra, nerra?" and Waxer says "Good to see you again, little one!". Numa quickly hugs Waxer and Boil, before Obi-Wan says "Now then, we do have a battle to win after all". Waxer and Boil both say "Yes, sir!" as they join up with the other Republic forces...

Dante says "It is time. We must make our final attack now!". AAT's, Proton Cannons and Tri-Droid's begin to rain all sorts of fire down on the Republic positions, decimating several AT-TE Walkers. Tsui Choi says to Obi-Wan "General Kenobi. I will take my men and try to deal with those tanks!" and Obi-Wan replies "Very well, Master Choi. Me, General Mak and the clones will engage those blasted droids!". Tsui Choi nods, and he and the 49th assault squad clones use AT-RT Walkers to swiftly get to the Separatists positions. Obi-Wan and Corroy Mak hear a noise, and look up to find hundreds of Staps heading towards them. Bolt brings up a rocket launcher and blows several aside, while Wire and several more 212th clones bring up Z-6 rotary cannons to try to blast them out of the sky. Obi-Wan, Corroy Mak and Cody jump and knock off one Battle Droid off a stap each, before using their Staps against the remainder of the Battle Droids. A loud echoing noise sounds, and a massive shell hits the Republic positions. Once the smoke and chaos of the shell goes, Waxer notices Boil lying in mortal pain, but even more shockingly for Waxer, is that the body of Numa is crouched against a destroyed AT-TE: she is clearly dead. Waxer shouts "NO!", before remembering his duty, he picks up his DC-15 blaster rifle and presses to pick off Battle Droids charging their position. Bolt, Wire and more 212th clones help him defend against the droids. A Tri-Droid manages to blast Corroy Mak's stap, only for Mak to land on the Tri-Droid, he proceeds to blind the Tri-Droid, before chopping It's guns off. Bolt then fires a rocket launcher shell, blowing the Tri-Droid up, as Mak lands safely on the ground. Dante takes a Stap of his own and flies at the Republic positions. Several 212th clones shoot his Stap down, and upon crash landing on the ground, Waxer shoots Dante dead.

Corroy Mak yells gleefully "We've got this battle won!" and he charges the oncoming Battle Droids, Super Battle Droids and Elomin Soldiers, ignoring Obi-Wan's yell of "No! General Mak, there's far too many of them!". As Corroy Mak joyfully slices up oncoming droid or Elomin as they come, he realizes only too late just how many there are. The Separatist forces surround him, and once his lightsaber is shot from his grasp, the Separatists have no problem finishing the Klaatoinian Jedi off. Cham Syndulla says to Obi-Wan "The time has come for the final push! Charge!". Obi-Wan and Cham lead the clones against the forces that just killed Corroy Mak. With no leader to lead them, the Separatist forces are very quickly defeated, and all Separatist resistance on Ryloth is wiped out...

Tsui Choi and his last two 49th assault squad clones regroup with Obi-Wan and Cham Syndulla at the day's end. Cham says "Thanks to you, Jedi. Ryloth is free once and for all!" and Obi-Wan replies "I don't think Count Dooku will be attacking here again in a hurry, now that he sees the compassion of you're people, Cham" Cham says "I hope you're right". The Republic celebrates the victory on Ryloth, but there is still a long way in the war to go...

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