Saturday 24 September 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 54: Droid Hunt

Characters: Commando Droids, Anakin Skywalker, Luminara Unduli, Commander Gree, Clone Assasins, 41st Legion Sniper, CT-502 Clone Trooper Phantom.

Narration: "Narrow escape! All hope seemed lost when the Commando Droids prepared to explode the Jedi Temple, but a faulty detonator saves our heroes day! Now, Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Luminara Unduli prepare a mission to pursue the Commando Droids responsible, and destroy them!"

A Republic attack shuttle lands on a planet. Clone Assasins leap out, eager to start hunting some Separatists. Following them are the three 41st legion clones assigned to the mission, Commander Gree, CT-502 Phantom and a sniper. Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Luminara Unduli join the clones. Luminara says to the sniper "Keep an eye out for any droids. We need to conclude this mission fast" and Anakin adds "And if you see them first, fire at them even if we're not there to help you!". The sniper says "Yes, generals" and walks off into a better sniping position.

The 41st sniper sets up his long-range sniper rifle on the edge of a cliff-top, looking over a large wasteland. Having waited for several minutes, the sniper spots the remaining Commando Droids. Remembering Anakin's words, the sniper immediately draws the rifle and shoots one Commando Droid clean through it's back. The rest of the Commando Droids recover from the shock though, and manage to hide. The sniper contacts Anakin "General Skywalker. I've spotted the Commando Droids, they've taken hiding down in that wasteland over there!" and Anakin replies "Excellent work, me and Master Unduli will check down there now". Anakin, Luminara and all the other clones slide down into the wasteland, before splitting up: Anakin taking the Clone Assasins to one area, Luminara, Gree and Phantom check out another.

The 41st sniper starts to get the feeling something is wrong. Anakin and Luminara had checked the entire wasteland without finding anything. A click from a blaster behind the sniper confirms his worst fears. The sniper slowly turns to find the last three Commando Droids looming above him. The sniper tries in vain to grab his gun, but fails, and can only watch as the Commando Droids shoot it over the cliff: they then proceed to shoot the sniper over the cliff too, and he falls a long way to his death.

Phantom had spotted what was happening, and noticed the brutal death of the sniper. Phantom calls out to Luminara "Master Unduli, our sniper has just been killed!". Luminara and Gree arrive on the scene to see the Commando Droids on the cliff-top. Gree says to Phantom "Look's like we'll have to finish them the hard way. Ready to take 'em out, shiny?" and Phantom replies "As ready as I'll ever be!". Phantom and Gree begin to climb the cliff-top as Luminara contacts Anakin, telling him where the Commando Droids are. The Clone Assasins use their swift speed to get to the top of the cliff-top. The Commando Droids kill two of them, but the rest get into a hand-to-hand scuffle with the droids. Gree and Phantom arrive and both shoot a Commando Droid each. Anakin arrives on the scene to eliminate the captain. Once Luminara is up on the cliff-top: Anakin says "Well, this concludes that mission!". Gree tells him "Are you sure you didn't mean that the other way around, General Skywalker?". Anakin laughs and says "Yes, Commander Gree. That concludes THIS mission!". They all head back to the shuttle, preparing to head back to Coruscant...

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