Saturday 1 October 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 63: Protection

Characters: Cad Bane, Robonino, Rahm Kota, Assasin Droids, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Clone Captain Rex, 501st Clones, Count Dooku.

Narration: "The hunter is the one being hunted! Cad Bane, having captured Rahm Kota and tortured him, is now wanted for capture by Republic forces including Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano! Can the Jedi finally capture and imprison Bane?"

Ahsoka Tano lands her Barc speeder, gets off, and strides into the Temple with lightsaber crystals inside it. Ahsoka says upon first viewing of it "Huh, strange. It seems deserted". Ahsoka continues to walk through the Temple, soon enough, her foot nudges something and she picks it up. It is one of the explosives that Cad Bane had put inside. Ahsoka says "Explosives? So Bane has been in here after all!".

Robonino hides behind a big rock as Anakin Skywalker approaches. Captain Rex and his clones meanwhile, are busy fighting the Assasin Droids, clones fall, but more of the droids do. As one of the clones attempts to raise his DC-15 blaster to shoot an Assasin Droid, he is crashed into wildly by a rampaging creature. Rex shouts "Desert Razorbacks!" as more arrive to join the fight. Clones and droids now with their attentions on these desert beasts. One bumps into Rex, sending his helmet flying into Cad Bane's lap, Bane being in a higher position. The Razorback stomps on Rex, but he manages to recover his pistols and shoot it off him. Another Razorback chases Rex full pelt across the desert, as the desert expands again, the Assasin Droids, clones and remaining Razorbacks getting sucked up by the desert, all are destroyed or killed. Robonino jumps Anakin as he goes past, but Anakin, who had just shifted his arm position a bit, and his arm catches Robino, sending him into the expanding desert as well. Robonino disappears from view, before a strange gurgling sound confirms he has suffocated. Anakin watches this without any remorse, just glad that another Bounty Hunter had bit the dust. While Rex recovers having just escaped the Razorback, Cad Bane jumps down in front of him. Rex immediately snatches his pistols up again. Bane tosses Rex's helmet to him, saying "You could do with this back, I reckon!". Rex slips his helmet back on, and shoots at Bane. Bane simply uses a stun grenade to blind Rex momentarily, and Bane jumps right in front of him. Rex attacks madly, flying and smashing into Bane just as the desert expands again. Rex and Bane fall down the desert, punching and hitting at each other with their fists, all thought about weapons forgotten. Bane uses his rocket jetpack to fly them out of the expanding desert just in time. As Rex doubles up, Bane brings out a shock whip, and wraps it around Rex's neck. Rex chokes on it, barely able to breathe, until Bane draws enough breathe out to knock Rex unconcious. As Bane flies off back towards the Temple, Anakin finds the body of his unconcious Clone Captain. Igniting his lightsaber, Anakin cuts the parts of the whip suffocating Rex, in half.

Ahsoka hears a whooshing noise and she activates her lightsabers. Cad Bane lands near her, with his pistols drawn. Ahsoka says "Well, if it isn't the mindless Bounty Hunter!". Bane retorts "You're not in much of a position to call names, kid. I've got your Captain unconcious, the Temple rigged to explode. That takes mind thinking, doesn't?" before adding "I can feel you're hatred towards me from here, without use of the force! You want to kill me, Don't you?". Ahsoka shouts at Bane "Well, now that you mention it-" before launching herself at Cad Bane. Cad Bane shoots at Ahsoka, knocking her shoto lightsaber aside and across the ground. Ahsoka retailiates by kicking Bane in the face, sending his hat flying. As Ahsoka prepares to finish Bane off, the last Assasin Droid arrives and shoots at Ahsoka. Ahsoka finishes the droid pretty quickly, slicing it's head off. But it gives Bane time to recover, and as Ahsoka's back is turned, Bane uses a length of wire and ties her legs around, tripping Ahsoka up. As she struggles back up, Bane uses another shock whip and chokes Ahsoka. He lets her go though before she goes unconcious, and uses the shock whip to tie her inbetween a couple of poles close to each other. Leaving Ahsoka's lightsabers below her trapped body, Cad Bane leaves and escapes in his ship, Xanadu Blood, but not before detonating the temple. Ahsoka has just minutes to live now...

Anakin Skywalker finds Rahm Kota, and having sliced the electric seat apart, he proceeds to un-tie the blindfold around Kota's head. As Kota recovers his eyesight having been blindfolded for so long, Anakin is informed by Rex that he knows where Ahsoka is. Anakin and Kota immediately run towards the Temple. Once within sight of it, they can see it is exploding and coming down. Kota says "Leave it to, General Skywalker! I will use the force to hold it up! Free your padawan!". Anakin nods, before jumping to the entrance of the Temple. Anakin finds where Ahsoka is trapped, as the building starts to cave in around them, Anakin frees Ahsoka by slicing the restraints off. Anakin catches Ahsoka as she falls, before handing her back her lightsabers. As the building collapses, Anakin and Ahsoka are forced to jump together, and narrowly make it out of the exploding Temple. Anakin, Ahsoka and Kota can only watch in horror as the Temple becomes ruins. Rex arrives, and the four of them head back to the gunship's.

But when they arrive back at the gunship, they find Count Dooku waiting for them. Dooku says "Time to duel!" before igniting his lightsaber. Anakin and Ahsoka ignite their own lightsabers, and charge at Dooku. Kota and Rex can only watch as Anakin and Ahsoka attack Dooku, Dooku slows Ahsoka's agile ability by using force lightning on her, but while she is getting hurt, Anakin takes advantage of Dooku's distraction to knock his lightsaber away, before force-pushing, Dooku away too. Anakin yells "Get on board!". Rahm Kota, Rex and Ahsoka all hurry into the gunship. Anakin stays back just long enough to say to Dooku "You've failed, Count!". Dooku snarls angrily and just about manages to hit Anakin with force-lightning before he boards the gunship. Anakin groans in agony, but his pain doesn't last long, as from the Republic gunship that is flying off, Ahsoka and Kota use force-pull to bring Anakin on board with them. Dooku watches the gunship fly off in disgust...

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