Friday 21 October 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 78: Mygeeto Turmoil

Characters: Ki-Adi-Mundi, Commander Bacara, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives, Oni Lorok, Cat Miin, Battle Droids, Snow Droids, Saesee Tiin, Kit Fisto, Clone Troopers.

Narration: "Unfortunate death! Following the death of Clone Trooper Moon, the Republic are on the brink of defeat! Can the Republic pull through, or will this be another battle lost?"

A Republic rescue party of gunship's heads for the surface of Mygeeto, with orders to extract Obi-Wan Kenobi and the others out of there, Kit Fisto and Saesee Tiin can only wait gravely as they fly through space towards Mygeeto. Down on the surface, Commander Bacara, Captain Rex and ARC Trooper Fives mourn the loss of fellow Clone Trooper, Moon. Once Moon is buried in the snow, Bacara, Rex and Fives re-join Obi-Wan, who is there along with Anakin Skywalker and Ki-Adi-Mundi. As Obi-Wan prepares to brief them, several big explosions land too close to them for comfort, and they retreat into cover. Anakin looks over his cover to spot hundreds of Snow Droids charging their positions. Anakin says "Here we go again!" before breaking cover, igniting his lightsaber, he rushes the Snow Droids. Ki-Adi-Mundi and Obi-Wan do the same, while Rex, Fives and Bacara provide covering fire from their cover. The sheer number of Snow Droids begin to tell though, and many get past the valiant Mundi, Kenobi and Skywalker, and charge Rex's position. Fives sees the danger, and saves Rex by tackling him aside. Rex says to Fives "Thanks for the rescue, Fives!" and Fives replies "I just wish I could have done the same for Echo..." Rex doesn't say anything, but deep down he is wondering about Fives state. Rex sees all Clones as expendable, including himself, so can't understand Fives's feelings. Rex shakes his head to clear his thoughts, before grabbing a Z-6 rotary cannon and mowing down several advancing Snow Droids. Fives knocks down a couple more with his DC-15 blaster. As Anakin is dueling several Snow Droids at once, he notices Oni Lorok flying towards them on a Flitknot speeder. Anakin stops dueling the droids long enough to topple Lorok and his speeder over, but not quickly enough, as a Snow Droid's blade lashes a severe cut into Anakin's left hand. Now only able to grip his lightsaber with one hand, he struggles to fight back, so Mundi has to come to Anakin's rescue by chopping apart the Snow Droids. Oni Lorok advances and prepares to shoot Mundi, Anakin swings his lightsaber wildly, and instead of slicing the arm which Anakin was going for, Anakin severs Oni Lorok's head, and watches in horror as head and body fall over the edge of a cliff and out of sight.

Obi-Wan says "I seriously hope that was a mistake this time, Anakin" and Anakin replies "For once. You are right, Master." Rex comes up to them and says "There are too many, we have to evacuate, NOW!" just as the gunship's arrive with Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin and Clone Troopers. Fisto calls "Need some help?" as Clone Troopers rain fire on the Snow Droids, giving Mundi, Bacara, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Fives and Rex to clamber into the gunship's. As the gunship's prepare to take off, Tiin says "Wait one moment!". Saesee Tiin leaps out of the gunship, and starts to take down several Battle Droids. Fives says "What is General Tiin doing?". All of them ponder this for a moment, before Fisto says "Look! That is the Separatist in commond of this battle, Tiin is trying to capture her!". Fisto leaps out of the gunship and joins Saesee Tiin, together they defeat the Battle Droids to capture Cat Miin. As Fisto marches Miin into the gunship, Snow Droids attack Tiin, and one grips him by the throat. As the droid prepares to choke Tiin to death, Anakin uses his force hrip to tear apart the droid's internal parts, rendering it unusable. Tiin boards the gunship, and it flies away. Obi-Wan looks at Anakin with a look that says "If Anakin can't keep his frustratrion of the war in, he will fall to the Dark Side" Obi-Wan thinks to himself...

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