Friday 7 October 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 64: Mundi's Homeworld

Characters: Ki-Adi-Mundi, Clone Commander Jet, Special Ops Clone Troopers, Sergeant Bacara, Special Ops Trooper Crosher, Cerean Warriors, O-Mer, Separatist Kubaz General Kranthe, Super Battle Droids, Battle Droids, Cerean King Ka-Ki-Krill, Cerean Female Warrior Lo-La-Landar

Narration: "Cerean homeworld under attack! Home of Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, the planet Cerea has been attacked! Now, Master Mundi has arrived on his homeworld with a Republic force, to try to turn the war away from Cerea!"

The king of Cerea, Ka-Ki-Krill, watches as Venator-class star destroyers enter the atmosphere of the planet. "They are here" said Krill to his comrade, the Female Lo-La-Landar, a well- known warrior on the planet. Landar replies "And a chance to see fellow Cerean's, but Jedi, fight". Krill said as he watches clone forces deploy out of the star destroyers "Let's hope you are right".

Clone Commander Jet yells "Come on! Let's get those walkers deployed!". Special Ops Trooper Crosher nods, and climbs aboard an AT-RT, with other troopers following suit. They then speed up Cerea towards the main town. Sergeant Bacara joins Jet, as they continue to watch the walkers being deployed. Once all the AT-TE's are finished, Jedi Ki-Adi-Mundi and O-Mer join them. Mundi says "Let's go talk to the king!". Mundi, O-Mer, Jet and Bacara then head for the palace...

"We must split seperate squads and defend each of our cities!" Krill says to Ki-Adi-Mundi. Before Mundi can respond, a large explosion signals the start of the Separatist attack. The Kubaz, Kranthe, watches as his Super Battle Droids head towards the cities. Mundi said to O-Mer "O-Mer! Go take a squad of men to this city, I will focus on the main attack." O-Mer nods his agreement, before taking several Special Ops Clone Troopers on AT-RT's to that city.

Meanwhile, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jet, Bacara and Krill watch as the droids march on the capital city. A sniper bolt strikes one of the Super Battle Droids down, and our heroes hear a battle cry from Lo-La-Landar "Time to lock and load!" as she leads Cerean Warriors into battle, using swords and rifles against the enemy. Mundi nods to Bacara and Jet, who signal the Special Ops Clone Troopers to provide covering fire, as they slide down to join Landar. The Cerean's hack at droids with their swords, before finishing them with the high-velocity rifles. Several droids try to gang up on Landar, but Mundi arrives to slice them up from behind. Mundi and Landar fight back-to-back as Super Battle Droids continue to press forward. Bacara tosses a thermal detonator, blowing a hole in the droid lines, a hole which Bacara and Jet run into, and they lead a clone attack, holding off the Super Battle Droids from close range. As the clones are about to be overun, Mundi jumps in front of them, and defends his men from death. King Krill decides now is the time for him to join the conflict, and he too slides down to join the fray, shooting down droids with two rifles.

O-Mer and the men he has taken reach the city. Among them is Crosher, who says "I don't like this" and O-Mer replies "Steady yourself, trooper!". A loud explosion hits near them, as Super Battle Droids burst through a wall to that city. O-Mer rushes forward, igniting his lightsaber to battle them. But O-Mer has underestimated the enemy, and having only managed to slice several down, sheer weight and numbers prevail, with the droids eventually blasting O-Mer aside. Crosher leads the few clones with him valiantly, but having taken down several droids, a rocket blast from the rocket launcher of a Super Battle Droid arm blows the last few ones, including Crosher, up. The Separatists have captured their first city...

Jet reports to Mundi "General, the city has been taken by the Separatists. No survivors." Mundi nods, and reacts just in time to slice up a Super Battle Droid that had creeped up behind him, Jet shoots it as it falls to make suree it is eliminated. Landar and Cerean Warriors smash their way through the droids, sending droid bits everywhere. Krill watches them with fascination, delighted at how brave and honourable his people are. Bacara orders AT-TE's to blast away the last of the droids, which is then, and the Super Battle Droids are blown to smithereens. Kranthe yells "Attack!" and AAT's prepare to fire on the capital city. Mundi and the others quickly head for the palace, knowing they must raise the shield in time...

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