Friday 21 October 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 76: Cold Weather

Characters: Ki-Adi-Mundi, Commander Bacara, Galactic Marines, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives, Separatist Oni Lorok, Admiral Cork, Clone Naval Officers, Cat Miin, Battle Droids, Snow Droids, Clone Trooper Moon.

Narration: "Planet in peril! The snowy planet of Mygeeto is under Separatist control by Cat Miin. Now, a Republic rescue party looms in space above the surface, ready to fight to take back the planet!

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker join Master Ki-Adi-Mundi on the bridge of Mundi's flagship, the Doomer, as it looms above the planet Mygeeto. Anakin says "Here we go again. Another planetary invasion" and Obi-Wan says "Yes, they seem to be coming at a frequent pace now." Mundi replies "The native Mygeeto were easily overwhelmed, they had no army, the Separatists came here deliberately." Obi-Wan and Anakin look at each other while Ki-Adi-Mundi stares out into space. Admiral Cork comes over and joins them saying "We are within invasion distance. Generals. I shall handle the space battle from here". Mundi says "Very well, Admiral Cork", and he, Obi-Wan and Anakin head to the hangar. Down in the hangar, the Clones are getting ready for a ground assault. ARC Trooper Fives says to Captain Rex "How come we're on this mission, Rex?" and Rex replies "They needed a couple of men with big experience, and us two were chosen". Commander Bacara joins them and tells Rex "You were picked because General Skywalker is part of the invasion". "Very funny, Commander Bacara, but in these times, experience is vital" replies Rex. Rex, Fives and Bacara join the Galactic Marines at the gunship's, where Clone Trooper Moon is readying his Z-6 rotary cannon, saying "I've always wanted to wield one of these!" as he enters his gunship. Bacara joins Moon, and tells him "Let's see how well you can use it, shiny!". Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ki-Adi-Mundi arrive and also enter the gunship's and they fly out of the hangar.

On the surface of Mygeeto, Separatist Oni Lorok says to his Snow Droids "Bury yourselves in the snow. That way, we will have a great ambush on the Republic!". Lorok watches as the Snow Droids bury themselves, and Lorok returns to his base. Meanwhile, ARC-170 starfighters and V-wing fighters battle Vulture Droids and Droid Tri-fighters up in space, with ARC-170 starfighters desperately trying to protect the Republic gunship's containing tanks and planetary forces. A shot Vulture Droid smashes into one of the gunship's, blowing both ships into space cust. "That didn't sound good" says Fives in his gunship with Anakin and Rex. As the gunship's reach the surface, several UT-AT walkers are deployed to the ground. Anakin, Rex and Fives join Obi-Wan Kenobi nearby, while Ki-Adi-Mundi, Bacara, Moon and several Galactic Marines regroup elsewhere. Bacara says "It's too quiet over here". Moon says "Time for lock and load!", but Mundi tells the young Clone "Patience. We still need to work out where the Separatists are". Mundi strides towards Anakin and Obi-Wan, followed by Bacara and Moon. Before they can reach them though, Snow Droids rise from the snow, and shoot a couple of marines dead right away. Mundi deflects a blaster bolt heading for Bacara's helmet, knocking out the droid responsible. Anakin and Obi-Wan ignite their lightsabers also, while Rex and Fives take out their DC-17 pistols. Anakin zooms forward, and cuts off a Snow Droid's arms, force-pushing it into several more droids. Rex and Fives lead several Galactic Marines against the Snow Droids, fighting them in close-combat. Moon brings up his rotary cannon and starts to pelt droids with a load of blaster bolts. Oni Lorok watches from above, as the battle commences...

Up in space, V-wing fighters bomb a Separatist frigate and blow it up. However, that victory was to be a small one. Hyena Bombers pound the Doomer with plenty of bombs, and the bridge explodes. Admiral Cork screams as the flames of the explosion incinerate him. The Doomer explodes, and the battle in space is lost. Down below on the surface, Rex is grabbed by a couple of Snow Droids, but as they try to slit Rex's throat with their blades, Moon arrives to shoot them off. "Thanks, shiny!" says Rex. "My name is Moon!" retorts Moon. Rex says nothing, but grabs a rocket launcher before blowing a advancing AAT to bits. Moon watches in awe of the explosion, before tearing down the Battle Droids trying to scramble out of the AAT. Cat Miin angrily insists Lorok send in more droids, but the confident Lorok refuses, feeling the battle is as good as theirs. Fives tosses a thermal detonator, which lands stuck in the snow. As Snow Droids march past, it blows up, taking out the legs of the droids. Anakin and Ki-Adi-Mundi go around slicing the droids apart. Commander Bacara leads his Galactic Marines into battle, smashing up Snow Droids with this DC-15 blaster rifle, while shooting them down. Fives and Rex are joined by Moon as they climb into a prone UT-AT. Fives steers the UT-AT into position, and Rex says "Fire!" and Moon blasts away a squad of Snow Droids with the UT-AT's cannons. The Snow Droids retreat for now, and the Galactic Marines celebrate, a hard-fought victory...

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