Monday 31 October 2011

My Clone WArs Stories Episode 93: Cavalry

Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Captain Rex, Saesee Tiin, Commander Runner, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Commander Cody, Gizor Delso, Poggle the Lesser, 21st Heavy Weapons Legion, Geonosian Warriors, Battle Droids, Barabel Warriors.

Narration: "Continued attack! The Republic presses for victory on Geonosis! Although, with victory almost a certainty, Poggle the Lesser plays his trump card, reinforcements from the vicious world of the Barabel!"

Anakin Skywalker prepares to move his men in for the final push to reclaim Geonosis. As he looks through a holocam to spy on the Geonosian positions, a weird sound comes from the east. "What was that?" asks Captain Rex, and Anakin replies "That's what I'd like to know", before igniting his lightsaber. A dozen warriors charge at them, with the Republic forces rooted to the spot. "What are those?" Rex asks, "A vicious, barbaric warrior race known as the Barabel" another Clone tells him. Barabel's start throwing daggers at them, taking out several clones. Anakin rushes in as the first part of defense, and attempts to defend the clones. Several Barabel attack, and several get Anakin and Rex into three-on-one battles. Rex is smashed up, and his helmet is thrust aside. The Barabel's assault Anakin, and rid him of his lightsaber, before getting him with shock whips. As they prepare to dispose of Anakin and Rex, a gunship arrives which Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody leap out of. While the Barabel are distracted, Anakin trips one up and having recovered his lightsaber, stabs the Barabel. Rex stands up and grabs the nearest one to him, before smacking the Barabel in the face. Cody shoots the Barabel as it tries to get back at Rex, while Obi-Wan disposes of the three attacking Anakin. The 21st clones then finish off the rest. Obi-Wan says "Look's like I got here just in time!" to Anakin. "That... is an understatement" gasps Anakin, as he struggles for breath...

Several more Barabel ambush Saesee Tiin and Commander Runner. Runner is killed, having been chopped up by the daggers the Barabel possess. Saesee Tiin however, manages to struggle to defeat them, but eventually manages to kill them all. Anakin and Obi-Wan lead the clones to finish the remaining Separatist forces. 21st legion follow Rex and Cody into a catacomb, searching for enemies, when a sonic blast explodes right in front of Cody, and several Geonosians attack. Cody yells "Return fire!" before shooting down one Geonosian. With the help of Rex and the other clones, they manage to kill the Geonosians. Anakin and Obi-Wan use AT-RT's to take out the last of the proton cannons in the area. Inside the factory, Saesee Tiin finds himself going into the hangar, just in time to see Gizor Delso and Poggle the Lesser escaping in a ship. Saesee Tiin sets explosives inside the factory, before going outside and regrouping with the others. Saesee Tiin detonates the explosives which blow up the factory big-time, and Geonosis has been won again...

Next-time: "Cad Bane is back! But Bane is not alone! Cad Bane and Boba Fett, join them as they try to get Mace Windu into a trap! Will they succeed, or will Windu escape alive? Or will someone else meet Boba's demands? Find out next-time in the arc "Cad Bane + Boba Fett".

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