Saturday 22 October 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 80: 501st Death

Characters: Satine Kryze, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Captain Rex, Clone Trooper Rowdy, Sergeant Kano, ARF Sergeant Boomer, Pre Vizsla, Death Watch, 501st Clones, Commander Cody, 212th Clones, Mace Windu, Commander Neyo, Super Battle Droids, Ahsoka Tano.

Narration: "Mandalorian assault! The soldiers of Death Watch, and their leader Pre Vizsla attempt to kill Duchess Satine! However, the arrival of Republic forces has kept Death Watch at bay for now. Where will Vizsla strike next?"

Anakin Skywalker pauses at the wall, before signalling to Satine Kryze that the next area is all-clear. As Anakin and Satine stride along the area, Anakin asks Satine "Do you and Obi-Wan have a history?". SAtine replies "Yes. He and his Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, helped me out a lot then, but I still lost many of my people. That is just one of the reasons I am against this war." Anakin sighs and says "I've never had any peace wherever I've gone, losing someone is something I've gotten used to." Satine looks curiously at Anakin due to his last remark, but before she can say anything, several Death Watch troopers jetpack in front of them. One of them says "Hold it right there!" but is silenced as Anakin beheads him. Satine uses her deactivator to render the Death Watch weapons useless, and Anakin then kills them all. Satine grumbles angrily at Anakin "That is precisely the type of thing I don't like! They had no way to fight back, and you killed them!". Anakin replies "Orders from the top, no prisoners. And in these times, orders are the key to survival" before he walks off. Satine grudgingly follows him. "This it" Rex tells Ahsoka. Ahsoka and Rex climb over the large barricade that was made for the battle, and lead hundreds of 501st and 212th clones into a frontal battle with Death Watch. Rex and Rowdy make a bee-line for the Mandalorian tanks, which are blasting the barricade. Rowdy tosses several thermals detonators, which makes short work of one tank. Kano arrives and uses a rocket launcher to blow up another one. Meanwhile, Boomer leads several clones on AT-RT's and attack Death Watch from the side. Rex protects Rowdy, as Rowdy prepares his Z-6 rotary cannon. Once done, he lifts it up proudly, saying "Here we go, boys!" Kano angrily says "Just shoot with the thing, will ya?!" and Rowdy obliges, blowing several Death Watch about to get Rex aside with a hail of blaster bolts. Rex nods his appreciation, before swiftly shooting a nearby Death Watch through the head. Pre Vizsla gets frustrated at the Death Watch losses, and launches himself at Ahsoka, sending her flying against a block of rubble. As Ahsoka lays winded, Vizsla snarls "Now you die, female!" but before he can stab her, Rex notices and knocks Vizsla aside with his elbow, before shooting the darksaber out of Vizsla's hand. Vizsla punches Rex in the face, sending his helmet flying. Ahsoka, still winded, can do nothing more than watch the two men fighting. Rex knees Vizsla in the gut, sending him toppling backwards, giving Rex enough time to shout at Ahsoka "Commander Tano! Go assist Cody, Neyo and there lot! I'll handle Vizsla." Pre Vizsla gets up and grins at the prospect of a one-on-one match, as Ahsoka runs off. Cody and Neyo are using a elavated position to shoot down at Super Battle Droids below, when an explosion behind them reveals Death Watch have found them. Three Death Watch troopers shoot at them, taking out a couple of 212th clones. Cody and Neyo dispatch of two of the three Death Watch. But the third pulls out a thermal detonator and appears to be about to blow them sky-high, until Ahsoka arrives and stabs him through the back of the stomach, that is. Ahsoka says to Neyo and Cody "I was told you two were in need of something?" Neyo whistles and says "That's right! A hot female to boost our spirits!" Ahsoka calmly replies "Now is not the right time for jokes, Commander Neyo. We have a battle to take care of!" Meanwhile, Rex and Vizsla continue to punch each other, both going for the kill, but when Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi arrive, Vizsla doesn't fancy his chances, and he flees for now.

Pre Vizsla flies down in front of Anakin, saying "I hear you are General Kenobi's Padawan, I hope you are as much of a challenge as he was!" Satine can only watch as the two of them start lashing at each other with their weapons, Anakin's lightsaber to Vizsla's darksaber. Anakin appears to have the upper hand in this duel, that is, until Vizsla dirtily kicks Anakin in the nose, breaking it. Anakin struggles to keep Vizsla at bay, and Satine gets the feeling she will have to do something soon.

Meanwhile, Rex, Rowdy and several 501st Clones are running through passageways, only for a dozen Death Watch troopers to spot them. Rowdy nudges Rex and says "I'll hold them off. Get the others out alive!". Rex says "Be careful!". Rowdy starts shooting at the Death Watch wqith his rotary cannon, immediately killing three. As he turns to try and follow Rex's path, Rowdy is shot from behind and sent sprawling, his gun flying away. Rex grabs Rowdy and drags him to safety, as one 501st Clone uses a thermal detonator to explode the remaining nine Death Watch troopers there. Rex hurriedly takes off Rowdy's helmet, only to find Rowdy dead. Rex says "Another good clone gone in this wasteful war" says Rex bitterly, and he and the other 501st clones leave Rowdy's dead body in safety, as they look for the Jedi...

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