Friday 14 October 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 70: Sneaky Clones

Characters: Bantha Squad Clones, Clone Commander Jak, Clone Sergeant Kor, Bantha Squad Heavy Gunners, Clone Aerial Troopers, Separatist Likor Okror, Battle Droids, Super Battle Droids.

Narration: "Clone assignment! Bantha Squad have been assigned to take out Separatist General Likor Okror, and our now preparing their mission!"

Commander Jak enters the Clone briefing room inside the hangar of a venator-class star destroyer, and calls out "Attention!", before standing in front of all the regular clones. His sergeant, Kor salutes Jak, before standing at Jak's side. Jak says "You all know what we've been assigned to do. Our orders, are to eliminate a Separatist general, he is not wanted alive!". As Jak turns to head for the gunship, Kor says to the clones "Make sure to bring all sorts of heavy weapons. This could get messy!". Kor and the other clones join Jak inside the gunship.

The gunship streams towards the surface. Kor says "This is it, boys!" and one of the Aerial Troopers says "This is where the fun begins!" as the gunship lands. They immediately split up, Jak and half the clones sneak off, while Kor and his half start to shoot at the base. The clones bring up the heavy weapons, Z-6 rotary's blasting away at any advancing Battle Droids. Likor Okror says "Send out more droids!" and more Battle Droids and Super Battle Droids attack Kor's team. While the droids are distracted, Jak leads his men to scramble over the wall, while the Aerial Troopers fly over it. Super Battle Droids ambush those two Aerial Troopers, and they are mercilessly gunned down. Jak follows up by shooting down a Super Battle Droid, as the other clones join him. Jak and the clones shoot down Super Battle Droids, while themselves sufferring losses. Kor yells "Bring up the heavy gunners!" before diving into the mud, just as several rocket launchers blow a huge hole in the heart of the droid base. Kor shoots down several stray Battle Droids, before continuing his attack. Bantha Squad charge at the Separatist command post guarding the base. One Battle Droid says to another "Perhaps we should retreat-" as Kor launches a thermal detonator, blowing the command post down. As the Battle Droids try to recover, Kor stands on the remains of the command post, and shoots down the last droids. Jak and his men meanwhile have dispersed of the Super Battle Droids, and enter the base.

"Looks like I'll have to do this right!" says Likor Okror, as he grabs a couple of E-11 blasters, before running into the fray...

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