Saturday 8 October 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 67: ARC Mission

Characters: ARC Trooper Fives, ARC Trooper Blitz, ARC Trooper Garand, ARC Trooper Fyre, Rune Haako, Security Battle Droids, Commando Droids, Super Battle Droids.

Narration: "ARC Trooper mission! Several important ARC Troopers have been assigned to a top-secret mission, to find and capture Separatist leader Rune Haako. These troopers are now in sight of their target! Will they capture Rune Haako?"

A Republic attack shuttle lands on the planet Dalastine, a dark planet. Out of the shuttle comes ARC Trooper Fives, followed by more ARC Troopers, Blitz, Garand and Fyre. Fives yells "Into position!" and the others all crowd around him. The four of them then split up, Fives and Garand heading for entrance to Rune Haako's base, while Blitz and Fyre head for the other. Rune Haako says to his droids "Keep extra alert! On this planet, we can't be sure of anything!". The droids leave the command post, and take up their positions...

Blitz and Fyre walk behind the base and take cover behind a wall. Blitz takes out an explosive, places it on the door on the back of the base, and watches as it blows up.  "There she blows!" says Fyre, as he strides into the base first. Commando Droids ambush him as he comes in, Fyre immediately draws his DC-15 blaster and shoots back, taking one Commando Droid out through the head. On the other side of the base, Fives and Garand have scaled the wall, and are now on top of it. Battle Droids attack them while they are still on top of the wall. Fives blasts the Security Battle Droids on top of the wall, while Garand jumps and lands on one of the ones beneath it, before shooting down another two. Fives joins him, and together Fives and Garand destroy the Battle Droids, Garand kicking the last one against the wall, then Fives walks right up to it, and puts a bolt in it's head. Garand and Fives are immediately attacked by Super Battle Droids and Commando Droids, and they are forced to run. Fyre and Blitz shoot down all the Commando Droids. As they catch their breath, Fives and Garand run right into them. Blitz uses his DC-17 pistols to take down a couple of Commando Droids behind them, Fyre tosses a thermal detonator at some Super Battle Droids. As the explosion rises, the clones use a overturned box pile as cover. Fives shoots over the pile, sending a Commando Droid flying. As the Super Battle Droids approach, Blitz and Garand roll a thermal detonator from the sides of the pile, and the detonators roll right up to the droids, and blow them up. Fives calls out "Time to finish them!", and he leads Blitz, Garand and Fyre to engage the Commando Droids at close-combat. Fives bashes three aside, Blitz shoots four with his pistols, Fyre kicks one against a wall before shooting it, and Garand headbutts two to weaken them, before shooting them down.

Having recovered their strength, Fives, Blitz, Garand and Fyre walk into the base, intent on capturing Rune Haako...

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