Friday 14 October 2011

My Clone Wars Stories Episode 72: Bantha Annihilation

Characters: Bantha Squad Clones, Clone Sergeant Kor, Heavy Gunner, Aerial Troopers, Likor Okror, Battle Droids, Super Battle Droids.

Narration: "Struggle! Having been assigned to a difficult mission to kill Separatist leader Likor Okror, the commander of Bantha Squad, Jak, has been killed. Now, Sergeant Kor must try a different tactic, to eliminate Okror!"

Likor Okror says "Guards, on me!" and he leads a squad of Battle Droids on Flitknot speeders to fly off in the direction the clones were headed. Meanwhile, the Aerial Troopers left inside the base, have been surrounded and face a heavy barrage of blaster bolts. "We're completely exposed!" says one, "Hold your ground!" replies another, that one instantly being shot in the head, and his helmet goes spinning away. As the other two Aerial Troopers are distracted, the Super Battle Drois overun and shoot them down.

Clone Sergeant Kor and Bantha Squad stop a click from the base to discuss their options. One clone says "Jak is dead. What do we do now?" and Kor replies "We're going to have to abort the mission. Tell Master Yoda that we couldn't complete the mission". As Kor and the clones leave the cave, a terrible sight meets their eyes. Two AAT's, several droid speeders, and hundreds of Battle Droids surround them. The clones try to fight, but all except Kor are brutally killed in front of Kor. Likor Okror steps in front of Kor, telling him "You have been allowed to live because I have a job for you". Kor snaps "As long as it's killing you, I'm all in!". Okror says "Fiery one. I need a little sport. Defeat me and you live, lose and you die." On the last word, Okror tosses a couple of spears to Kor, before drawing one of his own. Kor and Okror begin to duel, but almost immediately, one of Kor's spears is sent flying over the edge of the cliff. As Kor attacks Okror, Okror jabs Kor in the arm, before slicing the other spear in half as Kor is distracted. Okror then sends Kor falling backwards by stabbing him in the stomach with the spear. Okror says "You're dead!" as he turns away. Kor mutters "Not... without... you!", and he draws a DC-17 pistol from his holster and shoots Okror through the back of the dead, killing Likor Okror even before his body went flying over the cliff. Kor sighs, relieved that the mission is over, before he closes his eyes, never to open them again...

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